Eureka Springs Public Schools Circa 2002 - 2005
This was the official website for the Eureka Springs Public Schools.
Content is from the site's 2002- 2005 archived pages.
The current website for the Eureka Springs Public Schools is at

About Eureka Springs Public Schools
We are located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Our school population consists of 675 students in grades Pre K - 12.
Webpage Disclaimer
The web developers at Eureka Springs High School make every attempt to make sure that the information on this site is accurate and correct as of its publishing on the internet. We take no responsibility for the inaccurate information given to us to post. Be also advised that schedules are subject to change at any time; be sure to check with the appropriate school area for up to the date schedules. Thank You.

Welcome to the Eureka Springs Middle School.
Mission Statement:
To provide an educational opportunity that meets the physical, social, and intellectual needs of the Middle Level students.
Middle School Handbook
Sports News
Check out Arkansas Prep Hoops for up to date basketball information.
Arkansas Prep Hoops
EUREKA SPRINGS MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADES 5-8 Dear Students and Parents: WELCOME to the new 2006-2007 school year! The administration and staff are excited to be a part of your child’s education. We are here to assist the students in making academic progress that will help them meet their future goals. Middle school students have unique needs. They are experiencing significant social, emotional and physical growth that may influence their feelings, behaviors and progress.
Your student will be provided with clear expectations and guidance so that they will get the most benefit from their school experience. We need good communication, cooperation and coordination between the school and home in order to make this a successful year for your child. Please take time to read the Student Handbook with your child. Several new laws have been passed that are important for you and the student to be aware of. Appropriate student behavior is expected and is necessary for the student to participate in the learning process. It is impossible to write down every rule; therefore, in the event an occasion occurs where no rule in this handbook applies, it becomes my responsibility to make decisions about these situations.
Both parent and student signatures are required for student enrollment in Eureka Springs Middle School. The signature page and yearly update forms with emergency contact information must be signed and returned before the student will be allowed to attend class. I have high expectations for your student’s success this school year, and look forward to working with you.
________________________ Dr. Linda Trice Middle School Principal
As a Eureka Springs 5-8 School student, it is my responsibility:
To attend school every day and be on time to all classes .
To come to school prepared with books, paper, pencil, and any materials and assignments as directed by teachers
To obey the directions of all staff members To follow school rules
To maintain a positive attitude toward learning and believe in my ability to succeed
To respect myself and the rights and property of others
To take care of all school buildings, grounds, and equipment
As a parent of a Eureka Springs 5-8 student, it is my responsibility:
To send my child to school each day on time, prepared with all necessary materials, well rested, fed, clean, and properly dressed
To check my child’s work and review homework on a daily basis to see that it is completed and the student planner is reviewed and signed daily
To provide my child with suitable study conditions and adequate study time at home (desk or table, lights, books, and supplies)
To maintain open lines of communication with teachers To provide the school with a current emergency telephone number where a parent or a responsible adult may be reached at all times
To ensure acceptable behavior of my child at school and school functions
To support school personnel in their efforts to maintain acceptable behavior of my child at school and school functions
The staff of Eureka Springs 5-8 School accepts the responsibility:
To provide a quality instructional program in an integrated setting for each student To provide an orderly classroom and safe school environment To provide programs and activities which will respond to the developmental needs of each student in the areas of academic, emotional, social, and physical growth To assist parents in helping their children develop self-discipline, self-respect, and self confidence in order to participate in school as a responsible member To maintain open lines of communication with parents
Eureka Springs Elementary Mission Statement The Mission of the Eureka Springs Elementary (K-4) is to provide an excellent educational opportunity that meets the intellectual, physical, emotional and social needs of the students. Our goals are to assist each child to develop a positive self-concept, expand economic efficiency, and to create the ability to participate positively in our society. We aim to provide a balanced education in a safe, positive learning environment where parents and community are an integral part

(National Assessment of Progress)

in the Elementary computer lab.

5:30-8:30 in Elementary cafeteria.

Elementary computer lab.
About Our School
Eureka Springs Elementary School is a one-story painted concrete block structure which is situated on 24 acres in a low-traffic area of town. Entering the building at the main entrance, one encounters a wide lobby with a welcoming feeling.
Three major additions, a special services education core, a primary wing, and a District Central Office center, have enabled this small school to keep amenities close at hand. In 1986, a state-of -the art track was built at this location. The elementary school benefits from this by its use for physical education classes, sports and after school activities. The school is also in close proximity to the Middle School which is located next door.
We owe a debt of gratitude to our generous donors, every room in the school now has Internet capability and in addition, there is a well-equipped computer lab centrally located. Also available are a library and media center, a speech area, a physical therapy room, a conference room , a cafeteria and an office core which includes a nurse's station, a counselors office, a bookstore and offices.
The school has a completely fenced playground with several large play units and a concrete area with basketball goals.
The newest addition to our school property is a bus barn that has been built adjacent to the Elementary.